JCCA‘s Center for Healing provides comprehensive, specialized services for addressing child sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation with trauma-informed, holistic services to the child and family.
In addition to individual and group counseling, the Center also provides appropriate training and support to service providers across the country in order to best address the unique needs of this particular population.
The Center for Healing’s direct clinical services component was piloted on JCCA’s Pleasantville Campus, with plans to expand those services to JCCA’s city programs in the upcoming year.
Please browse our site to learn more about us, our resources, and how to get in touch.
Staff Spotlight: Danielle Capra, LMSW
To recognize National Child Abuse Month, JCCA sat down with Danielle Capra, LMSW, a social worker at the Center for Healing. We discussed the impact of childhood sexual abuse on victims, treating trauma, and a positive moment with a client. Our...
Trauma-centered therapy: Healing the wounds of abuse and neglect
“…90% of abusers are known to their victims.” Jessie Boye-Doe came to JCCA almost a year ago to begin what she describes as her “dream job” as Director of JCCA’s Center for Healing, a program for JCCA’s children and families who have suffered child...
Jessie Boye-Doe Shares Her Insights on CSEC
“…90% of abusers are known to their victims.” Jessie Boye-Doe came to JCCA almost a year ago to begin what she describes as her “dream job” as Director of JCCA’s Center for Healing, a program for JCCA’s children and families who have suffered child...